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Celebrity News | Aug 28, 2017
Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside

Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside – Kit Harington’s been the formidable Black Watch commander of the Wall since Game Of Thrones kicked off in 2011. And despite his loyalties to the Watch, Kit Harington, 30, too needs a place to rest his head and now it’s reported he has snapped up a £1.75million home with girlfriend Rose Leslie, also 30, in East Anglia.

Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside Celebrity Homes: Kit Harington Home In The English Countryside

The TV duo – who met on set of the hit HBO show when she appeared as wildling Ygritte – were previously believed to be on the house hunt in New York but have instead settled on a medieval 15th century timber home in the English countryside.

The couple’s new abode takes inspiration from the series that catapulted them into the spotlight as it boasts a medieval-inspired moat around the property while it offers a swimming pool to help unwind after a hard day on set.
The impressive seven-bed home – which is placed on a whopping eight acres – is equipped with a number of romantic features including exposed timbers, thatch roof and enchanting lawns.

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Taking inspiration from his infamous line that ‘winter is coming’, Kit and Rose can warm-up in the colder months by their impressive open fire which is decorated with a number of traditional furnishings. It also features a guest annex, wooden barn, stabling, a pavilion, tennis court, croquet lawn and stabling across the sprawling grounds which boasts an other-worldly charm. Equipped for a banquet of medieval proportions, the dynamic pair’s dining room fits seating for 10 comfortably with space for more should they invite their cast mates over for a house-warming.

See also other Celebrity Homes from the cast of Game of Thrones:

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Source: Entertainment News Magazine

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