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Celebrity News | Oct 12, 2016
Celebrity Homes: Peek Inside ID Anna Burke NY Apartment
Celebrity Homes Peek Inside ID Anna Burke NY Apartment

Celebrity Homes: Peek Inside ID Anna Burke NY Apartment – When Anna Burke, an interior designer and alum of Kemble Interiors, first toured the two-bedroom West Village apartment she shares with her sister, Caroline, it was, she says, “in a state of despair.” But beyond the “filth and dark,” she saw potential, along with the inklings of old New York charm.

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With Caroline’s help, Anna coated the walls and floors with white paint and papered an accent wall in a vibrant Bob Collins Sons floral design. And she took full advantage of the apartment’s wide windows by dressing them with white IKEA drapes and topping them with homemade cornice boards. “We redid the whole apartment by ourselves,” Anna says, “just two girls on a budget. And in the process, we had a total blast.”

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By keeping her sense of style and her sense of humor, Anna created a sophisticated, bohemian pad that’s “part Billy Baldwin and part wild girl.” “I’m a great believer in striking a balance between high and low,” she says. “It can’t all be DIY, and it can’t all be new. There’s nothing that pains me more than overcontrived spaces. A home should be pretty and fun, and it doesn’t always have to make sense.”

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Source: lonny.com


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