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Celebrity News | Oct 21, 2014
Jack Johnson and his Porch
Jack Johnson

We are used to hear about Jack Johnson when the matter is music, but not
the usual kind of music. He is known for his particular way of composing
and his sweet tendency of doing things with a very “zen” attitude. Jack
Jonhson, (actually), John Hody Johnson, is an Hawaiian man, who lives his
life doing what he truly loves, in other words, sing, compose and surf. If
you do not know, his most remarkable characteristic is his incapacity to
use shoes, and it’s exactly without that boring items that he presents he’s
house in Hawaii’s North Shore. As a Hawaiian surfer, freedom, salty water
and serenity are always the main philosophies, day by day.
Living exactly a few houses down from his childhood’s place, Jack Johnson
was very proud to present his sweet house and his liberator porch. That
said, it’s not surprising that when asked, John had answered that his
favorite color is turquoise, only because that it’s his wife’s favorite. The
true is that, when peeking his house, what really pops ups is passion for
different tones and shades of blue, which really suits his eyes and bubbly

His porch is adorned with old wood chairs and benchs, reminding us the
simplicity of living by the beach. There are two chairs which the main
material can be compared to bamboo, but with splashes of colors of virgin
wood. The upholstery present functions as harmonious complement, as
the mains colors move around beiges, whites, browns and golds. Still
standing in front of the sea, we can find a two people sofa, which has
ornaments crafted by hand that take us immediately to places of full
calmness and contemplation. Crossing Jack’s porch, we will find also a
table that recalls a trunk of a tree, and on of that table there is a surf book
with stories of great surfers and lost paradises. Among the green of the
various plants that leave alongside with him, we also find a vibrant ocean
of blues, standing thanks to a very turquoise Moroccan style sideboard.


Jack Johnson



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