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Celebrity Style | Jun 3, 2021
Jaw-Dropping Walk-in Closets That will Make you Fall in Love

Jaw-Dropping Walk-in Closets That will Make you Fall in Love – Feeling inspired to revamp your closet? Even if you’re lucky enough to have a walk-in closet, you may not know how to use it to its full potential. Discover some real inspirations for your new closet!

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In this walk-in closet, bold square rugs stand out, which are also comfortable rugs, those that welcome us at the beginning and end of the day. In addition to the storage, a modern single sofa in golden tones is highlighted, a bold design piece with an artistic touch. Right at the entrance, a marble side table completes the daring ensemble.

Covet House Boca do Lobo Brabbu Luxxu Essential Home Delightfull Caffe Latte Covet Lighting Rug Society Maison Valentina Circu Pullcast

This is a walk-in closet designed for an art lover, in here you find two super comfortable single sofas, besides this golden center table with marble features. The modern suspension lights make the ensemble really unique and we must highlight the design rug.

Ebook Top Projects 2020


In this option, we find a modern walk-in closet, where once again a design rug gives comfort and unity to space. The black upholstered armchair blends perfectly with the modern side table.

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This time we present a men’s closet, with lots of storage. In this space, the leather bench is indispensable to support us when choosing the outfit and we have to highlight the centerpiece, an amazing modern chandelier with crystals.

Again this modern closet allows us to see how the neutral tones can easily be combined with golden details and give a touch of luxury to the walk-in closet, besides the light that this closed space needs. Here you can also see the modern bench and the chandelier.

Luxxu blog


A full-length mirror is a must-have in any walk-in closet, and in here it’s perfectly combined with a design rug and an upholstered modern chair.

Trends 22/23


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