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Celebrity News | Jun 6, 2014
Model of the moment: Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss
Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Last year, Cara Delevingne was considered the Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards and has been the most searched model in Google last year too. Her huge characteristic is her brows – heavy, bushy and in surprising contrast to the rest of her delicately pretty face – were the most cited reason for her success.

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Cara and Kate are in the same model the agency – STORM MODEL MANAGEMENT – and they are discovered by the same agent, Sarah Doukas. The difference between the two models is generational, with regard to what can now be done with social media. However, they are attitudes that only from them is considered equal and possible.

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Kate Moss is probably one of the most-talked-about models because of the skeletons in her closet. The cocaine problems and the lost contracts with huge brands are some of the skeletons. And Cara still quiet on the controversies front until she dropped a suspicious-looking bag of white powder outside her front door.

Kate Moss is still the old, the new and indeed the current Kate Moss is because there has never been a model like her before. Designers and fashion editors love to work with Moss because she understands the image they’re trying to create and she can then enhance it. She has held court as fashion’s biggest muse since she first hit the scene 26 years ago, now she has 40 years old, but still one of the biggest muse.

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

In another hand, Cara Delevingne is considered by Karl Lagerfeld a Charlie Chaplin of the fashion world. She first appeared in Vogue Italia at age 10. On fashion shoots, she looks around, pulls funny faces, crosses her eyes and turns alarmingly. Her impish personality and caterpillar eyebrows saw her named Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards last year.

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Her older sister is the model/socialite Poppy Delevingne – well know in the socialite circle.

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss

Naomi Campbell says:
“Cara is Cara Delevingne, Kate is Kate Moss,” explains Naomi, succinctly. “People are just saying that because she is the same height as Kate. But there is only going to be one Kate Moss. Kate is an icon.”


The real true, it’s undeniable. It will be awesome to see the biggest muse of today fraternize with the biggest muse of the past twenty-five years. From fronting Burberry campaigns, to launching Topshop collections and fronting beauty brands aplenty, these two ladies are in high demand.

Cara talk about Kate Moss

Model of the moment Cara Delevingne the new Kate Moss


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