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Celebrity Style | Jul 7, 2017
Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover’s Restored Chateau

Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover’s Restored Chateau – The actor-director personally restored the 17-bedroom, 20-acre estate, which was once owned by an opera-writing count and served as a Communist medical testing facility.

Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover's Restored Chateau Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover's Restored Chateau Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover's Restored Chateau

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 “The property is vastly different from when I purchased it. Every single room has been painted and restored,” Crispin Glover says of Zamek Konarovice, the 17th-century chateau he owns. “When I was first here 13 or 14 years ago, it was very difficult for me. It’s finally gotten to a place where I can be comfortable; where I can call it nice,” he says of the property, where he resides part-time and works.
The interiors of the house had been painted white and the furniture had been almost completely pillaged during the Communist era. One of Glover’s first moves was to uncover and repaint the walls. “I would like to make the chateau completely correct and baroque but that would be extremely expensive,” says Glover, who oversaw the restoration and decoration of the property himself. Thanks to a movable property purchase, Glover was able to reclaim several antiques that had previously belonged to the chateau but that had been displaced. “The restoration of the frescos, since the whole chateau was white when I came in, had a huge impact,” says Glover.
Inside Celebrity Homes: Crispin Glover's Restored Chateau
“The economy here—things are less expensive. And there are bazaars here, so the bigger pieces of furniture I tended to get locally. It’s expensive to import things,” explains Glover. According to Glover, the chateau is registered by the Czech government as a historical monument and therefore has certain protected elements. This also factored into his restoration and design decisions.

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Source: architecturaldigest.com


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